Getting started at CARC

The University of New Mexico Center for Advanced Research Computing exists to provide high-performance computer resources to facilitate UNM research.  

To ensure fair access to these resources we require all users to review and agree to the CARC Good Neighbor Use Policy. By creating an account at CARC you agree to abide by these policies. 

Access to computational resources is organized around CARC Projects and Accounts. All users must have an active CARC account. Computational resources such as compute nodes and storage are associated with CARC Projects. To access particular resources, a CARC account must be associated with a Project that has the right to use those resources. 


CARC Accounts 

Step 1: Account Creation 

To get started, first create a CARC account.

If you have a UNM email address, you can use our self-service account creation portal: Account request for UNM affiliated researchers and students

If you do not have a UNM email address, please ask your UNM project Primary Investigator to request an account for you using this form: Account request for non-UNM affiliated collaborators.


Step 2: Associate Account with a CARC Project 

The next step in accessing CARC resources is to become part of a CARC Project through ColdFront: Please ask the CARC Project Primary Investigator (PI), typically your UNM research collaborator or research advisor, to add your account to their project.  

CARC Projects 

Step 1: Create a project 

The eligibility criteria for CARC Project Primary Investigators (PI) are the same as the UNM Grant PI criteria as determined by the Office for the Vice President for Reseaerch (UNM Eligibility for Principal Investigator Status). 

Step 2: Request Resources for your Project 

PIs are responsible for requesting compute and storage resources for their project through the Coldfront website. Once resources are associated with a project all accounts under that project can access those resources. 

Step 3: Add Accounts to your Project 


The project PI is responsible for adding the accounts of collaborators and students to their CARC projects.  

Data Access 

We follow the data stewardship policies defined by the University for data ownership and succession for all data stored on CARC systems. 

Account Termination 

Accounts may be removed for violation of the CARC Good Neighbor Use Policy.

Support Services


 If you have any questions, please submit a help request to




